漢語綜合課問卷設(shè)計 Questionnaire design for Chinese comprehensive course[復(fù)制]


Hello, everybody!We are currently doing a research on Chinese comprehensive course, and we want to know your opinions on some questions. This questionnaire does not involve personal privacy, and there is no right or wrong choice. Please fill in according to the actual situation. Thank you very much for your support and help!

1.【單選題】您的性別(Your gender:)
2.【單選題】您的年齡(Your age:)
3.【單選題】您學(xué)習(xí)漢語的時間(Time you have learned Chinese:)
4.【單選題】您的漢語水平(Your HSK level:)
5.【填空題】本次課程名稱:(Name of this course)
6.【單選題】在漢語綜合課上,你愿意參與課堂話語互動嗎?(Are you willing to participate in the classroom discourse interaction in the comprehensive Chinese course?)
7.【多選題】請選擇你愿意參與課堂話語互動的原因。(If you are willing to participate in the classroom discourse interaction, please choose the reasons.)
8.【多選題】請選擇你不愿意參與課堂話語互動的原因。(If you are unwilling to participate in the classroom discourse interaction, please choose the reasons.)
9.【多選題】在漢語綜合課上,你喜歡的課堂話語互動方式有哪些?(What are your preferred ways to interact in the comprehensive Chinese course?)
10.【多選題】在漢語綜合課上,你希望老師在哪類活動中加入更多的互動?(What kind of activities do you want the teacher to add more interaction in the comprehensive Chinese course?)
11.【評價題】你認為你的漢語綜合課老師在以下教學(xué)內(nèi)容中,互動做的怎么樣?(What do youthink of your comprehensive Chinese teacher doing interactively in the following teaching contents?)
  • 非常差
  • 一般
  • 非常好
漢字(Chinese Character) 
12.【多選題】在漢語綜合課上,你希望老師在哪些環(huán)節(jié)加入更多的互動?(What links do you want the teacher to add more interaction in the comprehensive Chinese course?)
13.【單選題】在漢語綜合課上,我有很多發(fā)言的機會。(In the comprehensive Chinese course, I have many opportunities to speak.)
14.【單選題】在漢語綜合課上,我覺得老師使用的語言很難。(In the comprehensive Chinese course, I think the language used by the teacher is very difficult.)
15.【單選題】在漢語綜合課上,我覺得老師說話的速度很快。(In the comprehensive Chinese course, I think the teacher speaks very fast.)
16.【多選題】在漢語綜合課上,當你聽不懂老師的問題時,你希望老師怎么做?(In the comprehensive Chinese course, what do you expect your teacher to do when you don't under-stand the teacher's question?)
17.【多選題】在漢語綜合課上,當老師無法理解你的回答時,你希望老師怎么做?(In the comprehensive Chinese course, what do you want your teacher to do when she can't understand your answer)
18.【多選題】在漢語綜合課上,你希望老師多問一些什么類型的問題?(What kind of ques-tions do you want the teacher to ask more in the comprehensive Chinese course?)
19.【多選題】在漢語綜合課上,你喜歡的回答老師問題的方式是什么?(In the comprehensive Chinese course, what is your preferred way to answer the teachers’ questions?)
20.【多選題】在漢語綜合課上,如果你說得不對,你希望老師怎么做?(What do you expect the teacher to do if you say something wrong in the comprehensive Chinese course?)
21.【多選題】在漢語綜合課上,如果你回答得很好,你希望老師怎么表揚你?(How would you like the teacher to praise you if you answer well in the comprehensive Chinese course?)
22.【單選題】在漢語綜合課上,你是否希望老師運用教學(xué)輔助工具(如:微信、視頻、教學(xué)資源網(wǎng)站、互動軟件等)進行課堂互動?(In the Chinese comprehensive course, do you want your teacher to use teaching AIDS for classroom interaction,such as wechat, videos, teaching resource websites, in teractive software, etc?)
23.【單選題】你對目前漢語綜合課的總體互動效果的滿意程度?(How satisfied are you with the overall interactive effects of the current comprehensive Chinese course?)
24.【填空題】你對漢語綜合課中的課堂互動有何建議與期待?(What are your suggestions and expectations for classroom interaction in the Chinese comprehensive course?)
25.【單選題】你對該學(xué)科的教材的滿意程度:(Your level of satisfaction with the textbook  for the subject:)
26.【單選題】您認為本節(jié)課的教學(xué)目標是否清晰?(Do you think the teaching objectives of this lesson are clear?)
27.【單選題】你能掌握本次課堂的知識點嗎?(Can you grasp the knowledge points of this class?)
28.如果能夠掌握知識點,你認為你在哪些方面的學(xué)習(xí)效果更好?(If you can grasp the knowledge points, which aspects of your learning do you think you have improved?)
29.如果不能掌握知識點,你認為對于你來說哪些方面困難較大?(If you cannot grasp the knowledge points, which aspects do you think are more difficult for you?)
30.在課堂學(xué)習(xí)中,你認為下面哪些輔助材料更有助于你的學(xué)習(xí)?(In your opinion, which auxiliary materials are more helpful for your learning in class?)
31.【單選題】在課堂學(xué)習(xí)中,老師能否調(diào)動課堂氣氛促進你的學(xué)習(xí)(Can the teacher arouse the class atmosphere to promote your learning in class?)
32.【單選題】你認為老師布置作業(yè)的情況:( What do you think of the teacher's assignment of homework?)
33.【單選題】一般來說,你完成課后作業(yè)的時間大概多久?(Generally speaking, how much time do you spend on completing your homework after class?)
34.【單選題】除課堂學(xué)習(xí)和課后作業(yè)外,你在課外每周花費多少時間在本課程的學(xué)習(xí)上?(In addition to classroom learning and homework, how much time do you spend on this course study outside of class per week?)
35.【單選題】該課程對你漢語學(xué)習(xí)知識體系的構(gòu)建有幫助嗎?(If this course has helped to build your knowledge framework of Chinese learning?)
36.【單選題】你對該課程任課老師的總體評價:(What is your overall evaluation of the teacher of this course?)
37.【填空題】你認為該課程哪些方面你最滿意,哪些方面你認為最需要改進?(Which aspects of this course do you think are most satisfactory, and which aspects do you think need the most improvement?)
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