FSQM Food Safety Orientation Training Quiz

1 Which is the CORRECT requirement regarding to when to Wash Hands? 下列關(guān)于什么時候洗手的描述,正確的是?
2 When you are not feeling well and suffering symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting what should you do?
3 Why hand washing is important? 為什么洗手非常重要?
4 Drugs should not be added to food unless they are allowed by government. 不可在食品中添加藥品,除非國家許可的藥食同源的物質(zhì)。
5 You directly receive the information e.g. complain call of guest foodborne illness, please report to your leader immediately. 如果你直接收到客人食源性疾病投訴信息電話,請立即向自己的上司匯報。
6 Storage Basic Rule includes FIFO (First In and First Out) and Store by Category. 儲藏物品基本原則包括先進(jìn)先出和分類存放。
7 All the goods should be covered properly and stored off floor and not against wall. 所有的物品應(yīng)該良好的防護(hù),并且離地隔墻。
8 Chemicals should be stored separately from food, food packaging or other operating equipment. 化學(xué)品應(yīng)該與食物、食物包裝或其他加工設(shè)備分開貯藏。
9 For a Central dry store, stock rotation must be practiced, with a room temperature not more than? 儲存在干貨庫里用于周轉(zhuǎn)的食物必須妥善儲存,干貨庫的儲存溫度不得超過?
10 Food poisoning may occur even when the food has been prepared in clean kitchen, but not handled and stored properly. 如果食品沒有被正確地處理和儲藏,即使食物在清潔的廚房中制備,也可能發(fā)生食物中毒。
11 According to FSQM policy, what should be the food temperature in a refrigerator? 根據(jù)FSQM政策,冷藏冰箱中食品中心溫度的要求為?
12 Gold foil can be used to decorate dishes and cakes as long as it reminds guests not to eat. 金箔可以用在菜肴、蛋糕的裝飾,只要提醒客人不吃就好。
13 Food Safety means that the food is non-toxic, harmless, meets the nutritional requirements, and does not cause any acute, sub-acute or chronic harm to human health. 食品安全指食品無毒、無害,符合應(yīng)當(dāng)有的營養(yǎng)要求,對人體健康不造成任何急性、亞急性或者慢性危害。
14 Which of the following is NOT a common allergen? 以下哪一項不是常見過敏原?
15 According to FSQM policy, what should be the food temperature in a freezer? 根據(jù)FSQM政策,冷凍冰箱中食品中心溫度的要求為?
16 An Intolerance and an Allergic Reaction could both severe life-threatening symptoms 食品過敏和食品不耐受均可能引起危及生命的癥狀
17 Which of the following is NOT allowed in the main garbage room? 以下哪一項不允許出現(xiàn)在垃圾房里
18 All team members engaged in direct food work, including cutting and mixing, cooking, dish passing, cleaning and disinfecting tableware (including new and temporary team members) should have the valid Health Certificate before starting for work. Those team members should also take physical examination every year. 從事接觸直接入口食品工作含切配、烹飪、傳菜、餐用具清洗消毒的從業(yè)人員(包括新參加和臨時參加工作的從業(yè)人員應(yīng)當(dāng)每年進(jìn)行健康檢查,取得健康證明后方可上崗工作
19 Which of the following about septic cuts, boils or skin abrasions is correct? 以下關(guān)于化膿的刀傷、瘡或者皮膚擦傷等哪一項是正確的?
20 Personal hygiene is one of the most important practices in preventing spread of microbiological hazards. 個人衛(wèi)生是防止微生物污染的重要手段之一。
21 Hands must be washed following the proper technique when entering the kitchen and regularly throughout the day, especially after: 進(jìn)入廚房之后要按照適當(dāng)?shù)姆绞较词?,全天都要定期洗手,尤其是在發(fā)生以下情況之后:
22 A rubbish bin must NOT be? 關(guān)于垃圾箱,以下哪一項情況不可以出現(xiàn)?
23 Food Handlers can be a source and cause of hazards. 食品從業(yè)者也可能是危害的來源。
24 The hotel shall not provide wildlife food directly or indirectly and shall not process wildlife for guests.
25 Leftovers which will be taken away by guest didn't need take -away label. 客人打包剩余的菜肴,不需要打包標(biāo)簽。
26 What is FSQM? 什么是FSQM?
27 The yellow cutting board is used for cutting cheese. 黃色砧板是用于切配芝士的。
28 Everybody needs to know which colour of cutting board and knives relates to which category of food to avoid cross contamination! 必須讓每一個人都知道什么顏色刀及砧板對應(yīng)哪一類食物,從而避免交叉污染!
29 Benefits of food safety: 做好食品安全可以:
30 Report to your leader if any pest evidence!如果發(fā)現(xiàn)蟲害跡象,請報告你的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)!
31 The result of food poisoning is only fever or diarrhea, could not be death. 食物中毒只會引起發(fā)熱腹瀉,不會引起死亡。
32 Food safety is not the same as food quality. 食品安全和食品質(zhì)量不是一個概念。
33 As food business operator, I will ensue that all stages of food processing satisfy legal requirements in relation to food safety. 作為食品經(jīng)營者,我將確保食品在所有加工過程中均滿足食品安全相關(guān)的法律法規(guī)要求。
34 Animals, insects or birds which live in or on food and are noxious, destructive and troublesome 任何在人類食物中生長或生存的動物, 昆蟲或小鳥, 都會為我們帶來害處, 損壞和麻煩
35 Where FSQM manual requirements differ from Marriott International standard, national standard, local standard and local lows, compliance with the more stringent standard required. 當(dāng)FSQM手冊與萬豪國際集團(tuán)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、地方標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、地方法規(guī)要求不同時,應(yīng)遵守更嚴(yán)格的要求。
36 Generally, High-risk perishable food means protein or carbohydrate content is higher (usually acidity (pH) is greater than 4.6 and water activity (Aw) is greater than 0.85), temperature control is needed to prevent the deterioration of food, such as refrigerating frozen meat and meat products, frozen milk and dairy products, eggs and frozen egg products, frozen aquatic products. 通常,高危易腐食品指蛋白質(zhì)或碳水化合物含量較高(通常酸堿度(pH)大于 4.6 且水分活度(Aw)大于 0.85),需要溫度控制以防止腐敗變質(zhì)的食品,如冷藏冷凍肉及肉制品、冷藏奶及奶制品,雞蛋及冷藏冷凍蛋制品,冷藏冷凍水產(chǎn)品等。
37 Regarding the food ingredients, wording and the recipe which contain food additive used in the menu, the final version should be confirmed and approved by the hygiene leader. 關(guān)于菜單使用食品原料、菜單用語以及含有食品添加劑的配方,最終版本應(yīng)有衛(wèi)生專員確認(rèn)和批準(zhǔn)。
38 Executive Housekeeper is not one member of Food Safety Committee 行政管家不是食品安全委員會成員。
39 How Food Becomes Unsafe? 食物如何變得不安全?
40 The score of FSQM Audit (green) rating should be? 要達(dá)到FSQM審核(綠色),其分?jǐn)?shù)需要?
41 What are the hazards of food?食品的危害有哪些?
42 If the FSQM audit score was 75,如果FSQM審核分?jǐn)?shù)是75分,
43 All foods in the store after received should have the proper label from vendor or hotel. 所有收貨后的存儲食物,都應(yīng)該有供應(yīng)商或酒店的正確標(biāo)簽。
44 What is the main purpose of using color rules for cutting boards and knives? 砧板和刀具使用顏色規(guī)則最主要的目的是?
45 Ice buckets and serving utensils must be regularly cleaned and sanitized at least daily. 冰桶和服務(wù)用具必須定期清洗和消毒,至少每天一次。
46 The ice scoop should be stored in a solution of food grade sanitizer (e.g., chlorine-based disinfectant), at the correct dilution, when not in use and must never be stored in the machine. The sanitizer solution should be regularly changed, at least once per 4 hours (Sanitizer Changing Log). 冰鏟應(yīng)存儲在食品級消毒液中(比如,如含氯消毒液),不用時請勿存儲在制冰機內(nèi)。消毒溶液必須定期更 換,至少每4 小時一次(《消毒液更換記錄》)。
47 The ice machine could be used for the storage of bottles of drinks, cans or soft drinks, cartons of milk or any other items. 制冰機能用于存儲瓶裝啤酒、罐頭或軟飲,盒裝牛奶或其他食物
48 The door / hatch of the ice machine should be kept closed unless ice is being dispensed from the machine. 制冰機的門/蓋必須保持關(guān)閉,去除制冰機中的冰時除外。
49 What color cutting board should be used when cutting sushi in the kitchen? 廚房切壽司的時應(yīng)使用什么顏色的砧板?
50 The inside condenser system and ice making part of ice machine must be cleaned and sanitized monthly. In charge by STW. 每月清潔消毒制冰機內(nèi)的制冷系統(tǒng)和制冰部分,由管事部負(fù)責(zé)。
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