
這是一個關(guān)于基于滑雪頭盔安全性提升的調(diào)查問卷,問卷旨在了解滑雪者的安全意識與頭盔使用體驗。完成問卷需要一分鐘左右的時間,您的反饋將幫助我們改進滑雪頭盔的安全設(shè)計和功能,我們真誠的感謝您參與本次問卷調(diào)查。This is a questionnaire focused on improving the safety of ski helmets. It aims to understand skiers' safety awareness and their experience using helmets. The survey will take about one minute to complete. Your feedback will help us improve the safety design and functionality of ski helmets. We sincerely appreciate your participation in this survey.
PART ONE: 基本信息( Basic information )
1. 您的年齡( Your age ):
2. 您的性別 ( Your gender ):
3. 您是否擁有滑雪頭盔 ( Do you own a ski helmet? )
4. 您的滑雪年限為 ( How long have you been skiing? )
5. 您的滑雪頻率 ( How often do you ski? )
6. 您通常參與的滑雪類型 ( What type of skiing do you usually participate in? )
PART TWO: 事故經(jīng)歷與安全意識 ( Accident Experience and Safety Awareness )
7. 您在滑雪時是否經(jīng)歷過意外事故?( Have you ever experienced an accident while skiing? )
8. 事故嚴重程度(Severity of the accident):
9. 事故發(fā)生時您是否佩戴了滑雪頭盔?( Were you wearing a ski helmet at the time of the accident? )
10. 您認為滑雪頭盔在滑雪過程中提供了必要的保護(一定程度上減輕了傷害的嚴重性,避免多處受傷)?( Do you think the ski helmet provides the necessary protection while skiing? )
PART THREE: 碰撞風險與距離感知(Collision Risk and Distance Perception)
11. 您在滑雪時,是否擔心與其他滑雪者或障礙物發(fā)生碰撞? ( Do you worry about colliding with other skiers or obstacles while skiing? )
12. 在滑雪過程中,您是否遇到過因速度過快或其他原因無法及時避開其他滑雪者或障礙物的情況?(Have you ever been unable to avoid other skiers or obstacles due to excessive speed or other reasons while skiing? )
13. 您認為滑雪時保持與其他滑雪者或障礙物的安全距離有多重要?(How important do you think it is to maintain a safe distance from other skiers or obstacles while skiing? )
14. 您是否認為能夠提前感知周圍滑雪者的位置和距離,有助于提高您的安全感?( Do you think being able to perceive the position and distance of surrounding skiers in advance helps improve your sense of safety? )
PART FOUR: 環(huán)境因素與設(shè)備需求( Environmental Factors and Equipment Needs )
15. 在滑雪時,您是否遇到惡劣天氣(如大霧、風雪 )?Have you encountered severe weather conditions while skiing ?
16. 在滑雪時,遇到惡劣天氣(如大霧、風雪)是否讓您感到滑雪安全存在風險?( Do you feel that skiing safety is at risk due to adverse weather conditions such as fog or snow)?
17. 您覺得在天氣惡劣時滑雪的主要風險為?( Do you think low visibility affects skiing safety? )
18. 您是否在滑雪過程中感到有視覺盲區(qū)? ( Do you experience any visual blind spots while skiing? )
19. 如果是,您是否認為這些視覺盲區(qū)帶來了安全隱患?( If yes, do you think these blind spots pose a safety hazard? )
PART FIVE: 頭盔功能需求與改進( Helmet Functionality Needs and Improvements)
20. 您認為現(xiàn)有滑雪頭盔在保證安全性的基礎(chǔ)上可以改善的功能為?( What functions do you think can be improved in current ski helmets while ensuring safety )
21. 當遇到危險或者周圍存在安全隱患時及時得到提醒,您是否覺得有幫助?( Do you think it would be helpful to receive timely alerts when there are dangers or safety hazards around you? )
22. 您是否認為滑雪時間過長會導致疲勞,進而影響安全?( Do you think skiing for too long can lead to fatigue, which in turn affects safety? )
感謝您的參與!您的反饋將幫助我們提升滑雪頭盔的安全設(shè)計與功能,愿您滑雪愉快! Thank you for your participation! Your feedback will help us enhance the safety design and functionality of ski helmets. Enjoy your skiing!
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