Evaluation for Group 3, Intercultural 2024

1. Name
2. ID
3. Group Number
4. Video Evaluation: Do you think the interviewer’s compliments are strong enough? Rate your score
Not strong(0)
Very Strong (100)
5. Video Evaluation: Do you think the interviewee’s reflections are objective(客觀) enough? Rate your score
Not critical (0)
Very Critical(100)
6. Video Reflection: Do you think the video is easy to follow?
Not at all(0)
7. Video Reflection: Do you think the participants(參與者)in the experiment speak clearly, fluenly, naturally and accurately?
8. Evaluation for the group's video report
  • Hardly
  • A Bit
  • Sometimes
  • Often
  • Mostly
1. The reporter shows the results of the experiment clearly.
2. The reporter compares and analyzes the reasons behind the changes.
3. The reporter describes the different emotions between Chinese and English compliments.
4. They mentioned some important knowledge about compliments in Unit 3.
5. The report generally sounds reliable and informative.
6. They provided enough evidence in the report.
7. I can see that this compliment experiment can really show the importance of compliments.
8. The report is not difficult to follow.
9. The reporter generally speaks fluently with accurate language.
10. I can see a clear structure in this PPT report.
11. The reporter seems familiar with what she will say. She moves on to the next part smoothly.
12. The PPT style is clear and easy to follow the main ideas.
9. Who is the best performer in this group? Write down the name below and briefly explain why.
10. Give a general score to group 3’s performance
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